Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Release Day - OUTSPOKEN by James Vachowski

Vagabondage Press its pleased to announce the launch of our new line of digital shorts today! Our debut digital is a comedy for both teens and adults -- the hilarious OUTSPOKEN, by James Vachowski.

Abraham Lincoln Jenkins is a teenage vandal, social activist, and aspiring revolutionary, but with only four months left until his high school graduation Abraham’s lifelong dream of attending Harvard College is put in jeopardy when he learns that he is still in need of two core credit hours in Physical Education. Unfortunately for Abraham, the only available spaces in a P.E. class are as a cadet in the Army’s JROTC program!

Told almost exclusively through Abraham’s one-sided complaint letters, OUTSPOKEN is the natural result when the War on Terror collides with the War on Christmas.

OUTSPOKEN is now available at Amazon, Amazon UK for Kindle, and epub, mobi and pdf versions at the Vagabondage Press website.